Chasing the Eye of the Storm - Kibble Fostering

Chasing the Eye of the Storm

One thing this year has shown us, is just how enjoyable it is to witness nature at full power. For young lad, Nathan, the recent storms were the catalyst for a great day out with his key worker, Jim.

With many shops, cinemas and activities closed, deciding on how to spend a rainy day can be a challenge. When Jim suggested to Nathan that they head to a local beach to see a rainstorm in its full glory from the safety of the promenade, Nathan was game! In fact, Nathan was excited as he proclaimed that “He’d never seen a real storm before”.

At Kibble Fostering, we place a real emphasis on creating positive childhood memories from everyday moments. Every opportunity is a chance to learn, grow and experience new things. Our key workers at Kibble Fostering go the extra mile to create these precious moments.

Rain pelting down, Nathan and Jim ran along the promenade alongside dog walkers and others that were out embracing the storm, getting soaked, windswept and happy! The fresh and salty sea air whipped up, the waves crashed onto the shore and Nathan and Jim ran into the direction of the wind enjoying every moment, laughing and exhilarated by the experience.

As they headed back to the car, Nathan proclaimed that it had been “the best day”. They made their way to get a hot chocolate before heading back for dry clothes and the comfort of home.

What made the day even more fun was the fact that it hadn’t been planned! Nathan and Jim just ‘literally’ went where the wind took them and it is a day that both Nathan and Jim will never forget. Jim has been a key worker at Kibble for several years and his exuberant, kind and compassionate nature lifts everyone’s spirits, not just the children he supports. We look forward to hearing about future adventures between this daring duo.

*Please note: name changed to protect the identity of the young person.