Monkeying Around at Edinburgh Zoo - Kibble Fostering

Monkeying Around at Edinburgh Zoo

This summer, despite the torrential rain young people and adults from our fostering team took a trip to Edinburgh Zoo. We got to meet the animals and even play with the cheeky monkeys. We were joined on the trip by our team mascot, Wigley, who even got to meet one of his distant relatives in the form of Babu the sun bear!

What a day we had exploring the many animal enclosures whilst learning all about each of the species. We saw the tall giraffes, majestic lions, feathery flamingos and sleepy sloths to name a few! One of the highlights was visiting the kangaroos. We were able to enter the enclosure and get up close to the friendly marsupials. Wigley wished he was able to jump that high!

Whilst one young person captured every special moment with his camera, another young person was keen to play with the excitable monkeys and curious penguins. With a little toy lizard in his hand, he held it up to the glass to show the inquisitive monkeys. He couldn’t believe what would happen next. The monkeys gathered at the glass, inspecting the little toy and began to copy the way the Lizard was moving. More monkeys joined in, mesmerised at the little blue toy. This drew the biggest smile on the young person’s face who had made a real connection with the animals. Incredibly, our little animal whisperer had the same effect on the penguins. They followed a little white handkerchief around the glass. These were really special moments and added so much excitement to the day. 

After visiting the animals, the children played at the park and stopped off for ice cream to refuel after all that walking. We loved seeing all the Lego sculptures dotted around the grounds, and Wigley particularly enjoyed meeting the colourful macaws. 

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